International College of Business Studies (ICBS) is a one kind of a business School. ICBS train students from their teenage to become a business professional with a well-focused visionary management process. Students who wish to study in the commerce stream (Business Studies) once selected their own syllabus can join ICBS in accordance to the ICBS teaching time table.
ICBS mainly focuses on Sri Lankan national curriculum both English and Sinhala medium, Edexcel and Cambridge business studies. Prime objective of the ICBS is to properly teach the business fundamental for the early stage students and guide them to achieve “A” pass in O/L exams and “3 A” passes for A/L exams in commerce stream.
This is a revolutionizes initiative in the Sri Lankan educational industry. Once the students get qualified through their G.C.E.O/Ls and G.C.E. A/Ls ICBS takes the responsibility of shaping their future in accordance with their passion and needs. Students are guiding to train on the core skills need to be successful in the corporate jungle.
ICBS will guide the students on relevant first degree and post graduate studies. Once get qualified with first degree students will guided to get recruited in the corporate world in Sri Lanka and Overseas.
Finally those students will guide to be qualified with professional qualifications and career advancement. At ICBS a student will start the journey as a mere teenager and end up with a successful professionally qualified corporate athlete with.